Dealing with Difficult Heritage in Museums
Hourly Schedule
New 13th June 2022 MONDAY Conference Day
- 9:30 - 10:30
- Key presentation: “Difficult heritage to deal with, and why it is so important to do so”
- Presenting the research and work of Dr Kathrin Pabst and Dr Kaja Širok
- 11:30 - 12:00
- "Exhibition 'Healing Wounds of Soul' as a Tool to Overcome Traumatic Experiences"
- Neringa Latvytė (Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University)
14th June 2022 TUESDAY
- 11:00 - 13:00
- “Many considerations to take, many needs to balance – addressing difficult heritage through personal narratives” “Many considerations to take, many needs to balance – addressing difficult heritage through personal narratives”
- Dr Kathrin Pabst (lecture/workshop)
15th June 2022 WEDNESDAY
- 09:00 - 10:30
- “Trauma and silence related to difficult heritage, and how to address them”
- Dr Kathrin Pabst (lecture/workshop)
- 11:00 - 12:30
- “The international council of museums (ICOM) and its code of ethics”
- Dr Kathrin Pabst and Dr Kaja Širok (lecture/workshop)
- 11:00 - 12:30
- How to use the code of ethics: a workshop with practical examples” – part I
- (workshop on Code of Ethics (continuing the next day)
16th June 2022 THURSDAY
- 09:00 - 11:00
- "Code of ethics: a workshop with practical examples” – Part II
- Following up the ethical dilemmas found in the Cold war museum with the students, directly related to the Code? (lecture/workshop)
- 14:00 - 15:45
- “The long-term consequences of crises in an intergenerational perspective, and how museums can help to heal the wounds”
- Dr Kathrin Pabst (lecture/workshop)
17th June 2022 FRIDAY
- 09:00 - 10:30
- “War in europe: how musems can become places of healing and inclusion”
- Dr Kathrin Pabst & Dr Kaja Širok Summing up: Discussions with the students about how we can be more active and present in museums while responding to the difficult topics addressed by wars and human rights protection.